i have seen some companies online that try to get you to try their products ofering mac makeup , but i dont want to do it that way, any ideas, where else???Where can i get m.a.c makeup samples?
you can go to the mac store and ask them for some. like me and my mom went to the mac store yesterday and she wanted to know what color foundation would look goo don her. they put some on her face and then gave her a little container telling her to use this for a week and see how it does. she brung it home and tried it to see if it look right. because they have bright lights in the store we went to and she wanted to see how her makeup looked in non bright lights. but yea i hope that i helped :DWhere can i get m.a.c makeup samples?
Any department store at your local mall, will most likely carry these products. I would most likely visit Saks fith Avenue or Macys. I got my make up done for prom there and they used mac foundation and eye shadow on me. So I would assume they would give samples away.
go to a department store cosmetic counter, and ask if they have any mac samples. I dont think they have any sites online though, srry hun.
hope i helped!! =)
go to nordies and ask for them