
What are popular stores to be at on Black Friday; Forever 21, M.A.C, Wet Seal, etc? ?

I don't normally go crazy on black friday but this year i'd like to get up early and get all the good sales. Im 21 so I shop at Forever 21, Express, Macys, Juicy etc. I am curious if anyone knows if any other the above places are participating or any other popular places anyone knows of. Thanks for your help!!! What are popular stores to be at on Black Friday; Forever 21, M.A.C, Wet Seal, etc? ?
If those are the stores you like, go to those. I know Loehman's will probably have a good one, but if you don't like the store, then there's no point in you going there.What are popular stores to be at on Black Friday; Forever 21, M.A.C, Wet Seal, etc? ?
I really like American Eagle Outfitters.
Im not christian or anything, but isn't black friday a sad day where you give stuff up and mourn?



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